
palm oil/miscellaneous/general information. october. 2021.

Palm Oil. Miscellaneous. General information.

Hello, just a 'generalist' page to use as a platform to post articles, links, information that at present are not that applicable to place under any of the other present categories but which may find their way to some other webpage in due course...this page will certainly  'grow 'over time. As it is have started this particular page with the one lone literary 'orphan' addition below. All the best.

CRUEL OIL. How Palm Oil Harms Health, Rainforest & Wildlife.  Centre for Science in the Public Interest. 2005.


UN says palm oil destroys forests, indigenous cultures in Indonesia, Malaysia. Mongabay. 2007. 

 What is interesting in this article that palm oil in a small agroforestry setting which means it is grown in a landscape setting with other plants etc is suitable and one presumes this is how palm oil trees were originally nurtured traditionally in West Africa. However, what is unsustainable is the vast monoculture tracts by which most palm oil trees are grown on a huge industrial scale which has meant clearing vast areas of rainforest destroying also wildlife habitat , displacing people and leading also to increased carbon emissions. 


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